Toilet Train Cats - The Solution to All Your Litter Box Problems!

Toilet Train Cats vs. Cats that uses litter box.

Which is better? Before answering this question, lets take a look at the most common problem encountered by cat owners.

Litter box problems are common and can be incredibly frustrating. If your kitty has snubbed his potty in favor of a much more unusual "toilet," you have a couple of serious issues. One is the assault on your nose and the other is the drain on your bank balance. I don't think I need to elaborate any more on these; if you've ever faced this situation, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

The causes of litter box problems can be due to any of these:

1. Are you using the right type of litter?  There are plenty of choices and choosing one that your cat fancy may not be easy.

2. Is it cleared and cleaned frequently. Cats hate messy litter box and some may simply refuse to use it till you clear and clean it up.

3. Some cat litter is perfumed. Is your cat put off by the litter odor?

4. Is the size of your potty right for you cat?

5. Have you place the box in a good location?

Solving litter box problems can be an uphill task. And that's why more and more cat owners are turning towards what seems to be the best solution:

-To Toilet Train Cats

You see, by training your cat to use toilet, you can get rid of the litter forever and so do the problems listed above

And the great news is that, to toilet train cats is not difficult at all.
Here's how you can do it in 5 easy steps:
  1. Gradually move your cat's litter box closer and closer to the toilet.
  2. When your cat's potty is in the toilet, next step is to slowly raise it until it reaches the height of the toilet bowl.
  3. Put the cats potty on top of the toilet seat. Let it get use to using the potty at that height
  4. Replace the litter box with a metal pan that is fitted to sit beneath the lid of the toilet seat. Let your cat poops into the metal pan
  5. Eventually remove the metal pan altogether and there you have it: A toilet trained cat!
Easy? Yes, and you can pick up more details on this method in "Toilet Train Cats"

But before you go get started, there is just one more thing that you need to know that may well determine your success or failure.

The method described above is just one of the many available. You need to know you cat's personality in order to successfully get him to kick the habit of using the litter box. Use the right tricks and treats and you will see quick results but use the wrong one, you may end up having your cat stop using the litter box as well.

To toilet train your cat in the quickest and most convenient manner possible, make sure you get hold of the step-by-step training manual provided in "Toilet Train My Cat []". Do that right now before you throw out your cat's potty. You'll be glad you did.
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