Homemade Dog Food Recipes - What Essential Ingredients Should Be Included?

For a healthy, happy, lively and energetic dog, it's important to use the right amounts of the right ingredients and prepare homemade dog food that's especially formulated for a healthy pooch.

But don't just use any recipe you find on the Internet to make food for your best friend. Carefully analyze any homemade dog food recipes you are considering using for the right proportions and right ingredients in order to provide your dog with a safe, nutritious diet.

What are the essential dog food ingredients to include in homemade meals for your pet?

The basic formula for a nutritionally balanced healthy homemade dog food diet is around 50 percent protein, 25 percent vegetables (finely chopped, pureed or ground for easy digestion), and 25 percent grain (such as brown rice or oatmeal). Add in some supplements of vitamins, minerals, and oils rich in omega-3 for healthy skin and coat to have your dog looking great as well.

Exactly what kinds of foods should be included?

Raw and cooked meats, cooked grains, eggs, veggies and fruits all make great candidates for inclusion in your homemade dog food. Here are some more specific suggestions.

1. Chicken, turkey, fish and beef- Dogs need lots of protein, and meat is a great way to get it. In fact, meats should make up most of your pet's diet. Ground beef and turkey are particularly easy to use because they're already chopped up for you. It's best to cook all meats, but this is especially important for ground meats as there are lots of surfaces in ground meat on which harmful bacteria can grow.

2. Eggs- Just like for humans, eggs make a great backup protein source. There's too much chance of bacterial growth with raw eggs, so use them scrambled or hard-boiled to avoid contaminating your safe recipes with unsafe ingredients.

3. Chopped Fresh Veggies- Essential and trace vitamins and minerals of all sorts are waiting inside vegetables, and you want to make sure your dog gets a wide variety of them. For ease of digestion, be sure to finely chop or puree them. Go with dog favorites like celery, kale, zucchini and cucumbers. Peas and spinach are also popular puppy pleasers.

4. Starches- Homemade dog food recipes should always include some starch, but many people fail to include it. Don't forget about some energy-producing items like baked or boiled potatoes and boiled or steamed brown rice. Carbs help provide sustained energy that will keep your dog going between meals.

Are there ingredients to avoid?
Absolutely. Never include things like onions, chocolate, avocados, garlic or nuts. Avoid grapes and raisins too. For a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways, these foods can make your dog sick. But there's much more you need to know about what to avoid. Visit the link at the bottom of this article to read a comprehensive list of 33 human foods that are toxic to dogs.

Will your dog be willing to change to homemade dog food?
Sure, but you'll need to do it gradually by mixing the food you have prepared in with his or her regular food a little more at each meal. Ultimately, your dog will very likely be grateful for higher quality food made from the freshest ingredients and prepared using carefully chosen safe homemade dog food recipes.

Don't be surprised if your dog has a temporary stomach upset during the changeover, which may cause him or her to experience some diarrhoea. That may mean you're taking it too fast. For most dogs, though, you can make the change in three or four days, but don't be afraid to play it safe and take a little longer.

Choose the best ingredients you can find, avoid things that are harmful and make the change over go as smoothly as possible. When you start using healthy homemade dog food recipes for your pooch's meals, you'll have a happier, healthier dog that will live longer than those whose owners feed them chemical-laden commercial pet foods.

So go ahead and make the switch to healthy homemade dog food and enjoy those few extra years you'll have with your best friend.

Want some quick and easy healthy homemade dog food recipes? You can gain instant access to over 200 healthy homemade dog food recipes [http://www.healthyhomemadedogfoodrecipes.com] right now by visiting [http://healthyhomemadedogfoodrecipes.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eve_Smart

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