6 Tips to Calm a Scared Dog

To calm a scared dog you must first know what signs to look for in a frightened dog. A scared dog might display a variety of strange behaviors ranging from trying to escape or hide in a safe place, barking, urinating, defecating, trembling and even becoming aggressive in an attempt to protect their own physical integrity.
It is quite common for some dogs to develop a fear of loud environmental noises. Below are six tips to help ease a scared dog experiencing noise phobias.
1. Do not pet and reassure a scared dog
This is a natural instinct but refrain from soothing and attempting to comfort your dog. Although this is what we commonly do with children, it does not work the same with dogs. On the contrary, dogs will tend to think that their fear is justifiable since, by trying to calm them down, you are acting as if the fear was indeed real and justified.
2. Act as if everything is normal and use distractions
Play with your dog's favorite toy or use treats as a positive reward for doing simple obedience commands such as sit or down. When your dog begins to show signs of nervousness, the goal is to distract them from the real source of their anguish which is the noise phobia. Ultimately you want your dog to slowly start associating the situation (the noise) with positive attention and fun rewards.
3. Desensitize your dog to environmental noises with a Mp3 Audio Download
On a regular basis play an audio that has a variety of loud noises that frighten a lot of dogs. Include the sounds that scare your dog but be sure to expose them to other noises that they may not have yet encountered. Start off by playing the audio very low and distracting your dog with play or food. Gradually increase the volume level and continue to distract your dog. Eventually your dog will become desensitized to loud sounds through repetition, consistency and positive rewards.
4. Create a safe and comfortable environment
Provide your dog with a shelter that they will feel at ease and reassured in such as secure room or a dog crate. Make this area available to your dog regularly so they are comfortable in it and it is familiar to them. This will allow your dog to hide out when they want to escape the factor causing the fear, or the fear itself.
And don't forget the white noise. Reduce the volume level of your dog's noise phobia by turning on a fan, some music or the television. It helps!
5. Exercise
If you are able to plan ahead; exercise, exercise, and more exercise because a tired dog is a good thing. Get out and get some exercise before the thunderstorm rolls in or before the neighborhood kids start lighting fireworks at dusk. Exercising will make your dog more physically and mentally tired, thus reducing their responsiveness to the noise. It will also increase the serotonin levels of the brain, a hormone that acts as a sedative.
6. Sedating your dog with medication
Anxiolytic medicines might be an emergency solution in the case you cannot manage to calm a scared dog and the anxious behavior is increasing. Valium is more useful if administered 30-60 mn before the loud noise starts. Be aware that strong medicines can cause liver damage and should only be administered by a veterinarian. Numerous vets and dog specialists will only sedate a dog under extreme circumstances. It is recommended to first look into herbal remedies, including lavender and geranium oils, chamomile, peppermint extract and D.A.P - a product acting like a pheromone and supposed to appease your dog.
By the way, do you want to learn more about ending your dog's fear of loud noises?
If so, I suggest you check out how to environmentally desensitize your dog safely with the Scared Dog Audio Program.

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