Simple Wholesale Cat Food Ideas That Matter Most

Wholesale Cat Food means that the prices of cat food are sold at a reduced price, meaning that you get a discount. You can get wholesale cat food which is sold on discount in many stores. Chicken & Brown Rice Dry Cat and Kitten food is one of them, it is combination of simple ingredient to meet needs and satisfy your cat. This is a real utilization of chicken meat and chicken meal as its core ingredient. The whole brown rice in the formula is a high source of carbohydrates and natural fiber. While sunflower oil provide Omega 3 and Omega 6 which are essential fatty acids for a healthy skin. This wholesale cat food is designed to meet the nutritional values that are set and leaves your cat full. It's packed on 5lb to 15 lbs and it's available for shipping when ordered on large quantity this way you save your money.

Herring & Sweet Potato Dry Cat Food is another food that can be found on wholesale cat food kit, this is a unique single source animal protein which is in herring. Sweet potato are good provider of antioxidant such as Beta-Carotene, vitamin A,C, and E, as well as potassium, Iron and other mineral more to this they add a sweet taste to the food. The presence of Oatmeal provides good source of carbohydrate energy. The natural source of this food is maintained by use of natural antioxidant this ensures that the package is fresh and the nutrition is intact and by this your cat gets a shiny coat.

Salmon & Sweet Potato is a combination of fresh wild-catch salmon and mackerel this gives your cat a simple meal. The use of Mackerel provides a high quality protein and it's a magnificent source of omega 3 fatty acids, which helps in structure of cell membranes. Fatty acids support growth, assist in development of nervous system. This diet is best for cats that do not like grains since it contains no grains.

The author is a professional writer and also fond of diverse writings. Presently writing about wholesale pet food and other pet caring topics.
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Secrets to Finding the Best Wholesale Dog Food

Dog owners with more than one dog might wish to buy wholesale dog food as it might be a more economic and convenient way to ensure that your dog always has a supply of food available.

When buying wholesale food, you need to calculate how much your dogs consume and check the expiry date on the packaging to ensure that the food will not go stale or rotten before it is consumed. Buying six months' worth of wholesale food should be fine.

Wholesale food can be bought from warehouses and pet shops. These stores usually stock large consignments of dry food available on which they will give you a good price.

The bigger the bag, the bigger the saving. You may also be able to get an even better price on purchasing more than one bag of food.

In order to keep dry food dry, fresh and protecting it from vermin, you could purchase a large storage container to store the dry food in. This will keep the food fresh until you buy more.

Canned canine foods contain fifty percent or more moisture and therefore expire much quicker than the dried varieties. It can also get stale and ruined more easily. Dry food, otherwise known as kibble, won't get spoiled even if not stored in an airtight container for a long time.

Don't just select the food for your best friend on the price - you should select the best possible dog food based on your dog's activity levels, health conditions, taste and age. Special food for dogs exists on the market for dogs with digestive problems, diabetes and allergies.

Some online wholesale dog food suppliers offer free shipping. You can compare prices of wholesale dog foods online to find the best deal on wholesale dog food for your dog. If you follow these tips, you're sure to find the right food to protect your dogs' health [] - at a price you can afford. Visit [] today for the best tips on keeping your furry friends healthy.

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Test Your Feline Felicity

1. The Cat Family, or the family Felidae, includes at least 35 species of cats that are similar in physical characteristics. Which is NOT a member of the Cat Family?

A. Kodkod

B. Margay

C. Ocelot

D. Fox

D. Fox
TBD: Did you know that cats are regarded by many biologists as the most highly developed carnivores?

2. Do you know how many breeds of domestic cat there are?

A. 20

B. 40

C. 60

D. 80

B. 40

TBD: There are about 40 varieties, or breeds, of domestic cats recognized internationally.
3. Cats became objects of worship in Egypt for what reason?

A. The dog was already worshipped by the Assyrians.

B. Egyptians worshipped the sun and recognized the cat's affinity for the sun.

C. Their ability to keep down the rodent population in Eygpt's economically-important grain fields along the Nile.

D. Their grace and beauty.

C. Their ability to keep down the rodent population in Eygpt's economically-important grain fields along the Nile.

TBD: A very practical notion.

4. What is the collective name for a group of cats?

A. Sleuth

B. Murder

C. Gang

D. Clowder

D. Clowder
TBD: The other answers are collective names as well. You have a sleuth of bears, a murder of crows, and a gang of elks.

5. Cats are indigenous to all continents except which two?

A. Antarctica and Australia

B. Eurasia and South America

C. Antarctica and North America

D. Australia and Eurasia

A. Antarctica and Australia

TBD: This was new to us, too!

6. Who or what was Bastet?

A. The first domestic cat.

B. Egyptian cat goddess with the body of a woman and the head of a cat.

C. Egyptian goddess of war who was assisted by a magical cat.

D. The Egyptian pharaoh who declared that cats were sacred.

B. Egyptian cat goddess with the body of a woman and the head of a cat.

TBD: She was the goddess of love and fertility.

7. All cats are digitigrade which means they walk on their toes with the back part of the foot raised.

Which cats do NOT have claws that are completely retractile?

A. Geoffrey's Cat

B. Cheetah

C. Jaguar

D. Little spotted cat

B. Cheetah

TBD: Actually the Cheetah is the only cat, including all the other large cats, with this distinction.
Who knew?

8. Which is NOT a way that the Egyptians used the cat?

A. Retriever for birds

B. Racing animals

C. Object of worship

D. Hunting animals

B. Racing animals

TBD: It was true that cats were trained to retrieve birds brought down by their masters!

9. These breeds are all lacking something, what is it (respectively)? The Manx, Cymric, and Sphynx.

A. Tail and hair

B. Ears, hair, and tail

C. Claws, tail, and hair

D. Tail

A. Tail and hair

TBD: The Sphynx is a hairless cat while the Manx and Cymric are shorthaired and longhaired cats without tails.

10. Which region CANNOT claim a breed of rex?

A. Selkirk

B. Devonshire

C. Wales

D. Cornwall

C. Wales

TBD: There is a Selkirk Rex from Wyoming's Selkirk Mountains, a Devon Rex from Devonshire, England, and a Cornish Rex from Cornwall, England, but no Welsh Rex.

11. What is the scientific classification of the domestic cat?

A. Felis catus

B. Felis domesticus

C. Acinonyx jubatus

D. Panthera leo

A. Felis catus

TBD: That was too easy! By the way, The QuizQueen made Felis domesticus up, Acinonyx jubatus is the cheetah, and Panthera leo is the lion.

12. Which is NOT a characteristic of the cat?

A. The ability to taste sweet things

B. The ability to hunt in the dark

C. Using its sensitive whiskers to sense changes in the environment

D. Papillae to clean the flesh from the bones of animal prey

A. The ability to taste sweet things

TBD: This was new to us, too!

13. Two pigments form the basis for all coat colors in the modern domestic cat. These two pigments may be combined with each other or with white (the absence of pigment). What are the two pigments?

A. Black and orange

B. Black and white

C. Black and blue

D. Orange and blue

A. Black and orange

TBD: Scientists believe the domestic cat's original coat color was probably greyish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. All other coat colors are the result of genetic mutations.
14. How many vocal sounds does a cat have?

A. 10

B. 50

C. 100

D. 150

C. 100

TBD: Most dogs have only about 10.

15. When a famous cartoon Cat and Mouse made their debut in 1939, what was the Cat's name?

A. Tom

B. Jerry

C. Jasper

D. Morris

C. Jasper
TBD: In later cartoons, they would become Tom and Jerry, but in Puss Gets the Boot, the feline co-star was named Jasper.

You can enjoy more trivia created by Deanna Mascle at Trivia By Dawggone [], Fun Trivia Online, and Trivia Tidbit [].
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Raw Food Diet For Cat and Kittens - Taking This One Step Prevents Cat Illness

There is increasing evidence accepted by holistic and traditional veterinarians that turning to a raw food diet for cat and kittens reduces the likelihood of many of today's common cat health problems. Its no secret that our cats are obese, have bladder problems or develop kidney disease or diabetes. Its looking like the same rules that apply to humans apply to cats - high carbohydrate, low protein diets and poor exercise habits lead to disease. The good news is that the number one step holistic vets recommend is that you switch your pet to a raw food diet for cat program.

Here's a short list of disorders that are fed by a low protein, high carbohydrate diet:

1. Dental disease
2. Bladder stones and Feline Urinary Tract Infection
3. Obesity
4. Diabetes
5. Kidney disease
6. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

Read the hot topics in Cat Fancy and Catwatch and you'll find at least two articles, if not more, reporting on the increase in cat sicknesses like feline urinary tract infection, diabetes and the rest. What do most of our house cats have in common? What they eat.

Now for the full the scoop on a raw food diet for cat and kitten...

Cats are dependent on a meat protein diet. Since World War II we've been fooled into believing that the commercially prepared dry or canned cat foods are the greatest invention since cat litter. These cat food products did not exist prior to the 1940's. They were developed during this wartime economic period because it was cheaper to feed our pets corn than it was to keep them on a raw diet for cat, kitten or dog. As a nation, we started moving towards a more urbanized lifestyle and we lost touch with our meat sources in our backyard. For the past few decades we've been loading up our grocery carts with Mighty Bad For Dog and Kitty food.

Cats and kittens require meat products. They can not convert vegetable proteins into the nutritionally equivalent minerals and amino acids that meat provides them. When was the last time you noticed your cat hanging from a corn stalk chomping through a cob of corn? Try this...

Let your cat wander through a corn field and I be he returns with a rabbit, mouse or bird - meat stuff - no corn. That's the natural approach.

A simple holistic cat health care solution.
You can make this change to a raw food diet for cat successful. Yes, it will require more work on your part. You will need to find a source of fresh rabbit, chicken or beef - those are in order of preference. Rabbit has the most nutritional benefit to your cat.

Don't go overboard when you start your raw food diet for cat program. Keep the quantities you purchase minimal so that you aren't freezing a load of meat. Freezing causes meat to breakdown and loose nutritional value. When you do freeze your raw rabbit, chicken or beef, package it in chunks. Don't slice all the meat up before you freeze it. Slice it as you prep for a new batch.

To further arm your cat from problems associated with illnesses like feline urinary tract infection and bladder stones or diseases like diabetes, you may opt to give your cat a little boost. Help your cat rid himself of bad toxins and impurities that years of commercial cat food poured into him. Add a homeopathic remedy that is proven to help pets purge toxins.

Don't shy away from including natural remedies in your raw food diet for cat or kitten diet. Long before anyone knew anything about diabetes, cancer or urinary tract infections our ancestors used herbs and nature to treat themselves and their animals. The Romans revered cats because cats kept the snakes and rodents under control - hmm, a natural raw food diet for cat and kittens way back then...

Kate Rieger is partnered with the Kentucky S.N.I.P clinic where they provide affordable spay/neuter services to pet owners. She also shows pet owners how using natural alternatives for pet care can reduce vet bills and keep pets out of the sick room. Visit her today to learn more about treating a feline urinary tract infection and naturalize your cat health care today at

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Cat Nutrition - How Protein Rich Foods May Harm Senior Cats

We all know that cats are carnivores thus their natural diet should consists of protein rich meat such as beef, chicken, and fish. Cats require a significant amount of protein for optimal growth, repairing muscle tissues and as a source of energy.

Senior cats on the other hand, require less protein than their younger counterpart due to their weak vital organs. Senior cats, in general, are less active therefore vital organs, such as the kidney and liver, will start to deteriorate thus the need to reduce their protein intake.

When a cat consumes protein rich food, its digestive system will proceed to breakdown the proteins in order for the body to absorb the nutrients as efficiently as possible. The breakdown process will produce harmful toxic products, which the kidney and liver will remove from the cat's body via feces or urine.

Since senior cats' vital organs have deteriorated, too much protein will cast a large strain to the kidney and liver, making it difficult for the body to flush out toxins during the breakdown process. Also depending on the senior cat's age, the kidney might not be fully functioning at all so the body will act upon this, by urinating more than usual in order to remove some of the toxins.

You should start reducing protein intake once the cat reaches the age of ten, cats at this age are considered as senior cats. You can purchase foods that are formulated specially for senior cats as this type of foods have low protein content, also consider purchasing a liver aid for your senior cat to help boost its liver functioning.

Please make sure that you consult the vet as well, so that he can assess your senior cat's condition, and prescribe type of food and diet that is most suitable for the cat.

Haziga Slamil is a long time cat owner and currently owns 12 happy and healthy cats. Check out her website to obtain more tips and advice on topics regarding cat nutrition, behavior, grooming and health care. Visit
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How To Treat Cat Diabetes At Home With These Top 5 Holistic Options

Cat diabetes is increasingly being diagnosed, and currently it affects more than 1 in 400 cats. Diabetes is very treatable, and does not need to shorten your cat's life span. This article will go over the signs of diabetes in cats, along with the various suspected causes. I will review the most common solutions, focusing on the lesser know natural solutions that you can use to treat your cat for diabetes at home.

Most pet owner's first suspect that their cat has diabetes as their cat is drinking and urinating much more than normal. This may be accompanied by increased appetite, but also weight loss. Occasional there is noticeable leg weakness, or dropping down on the rear legs. Some people notice a sweet smell to the breath. If not noticed early, your cat may become very ill with a condition called Ketoacidosis. This requires immediate veterinary treatment.

Diabetes is a result of the pancreas not producing enough insulin to allow the body to utilize blood glucose (sugar). This results in high blood sugar levels causing increased drinking and urination. Some cats are genetically at risk of developing diabetes. Cats that are obese typically are on a high carbohydrate dry cat food, are at higher risk.

If you suspect your pet is diabetic, have this confirmed by your veterinarian. Most cats begin with insulin, but with some diet alterations may come off insulin therapy. Ask your veterinarian about Glargine (brand name Lantus) Insulin - it is longer acting and better at regulating difficult to better at regulating difficult to regulate diabetic cats. The insulin injections can be given at home, and at the same time each day. Your veterinarian will show you how to give injections - they are not painful and usually not even noticed. The proper type of insulin, dose, and frequency of administration needs to be determined by your veterinarian.
If your cat is to have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), you'll need to be able to recognize it, and respond quickly. This usually happens within an hour of giving the insulin injection. Your cat will be weak, trembling, dazed and may begin to shake or seizure. If you suspect this, immediately give a sugar boost. Have corn or maple syrup on hand and give 1-2 tablespoons. Rub it on the gums if he cannot swallow, then take him to your veterinarian immediately.

Recent studies have shown that cats benefit greatly from higher protein, lower carbohydrate diets. These resemble diets that they would eat in the wild. Changing to a less than 5% carbohydrate, high protein canned food is the single most important change to make. Eliminate the dry kibble, and only feed canned. Some commercial diets in this category include: Wellness Chicken or Turkey; Fancy Feast Chunky Chicken or Chunky Turkey; Nature's Variety Organic, and raw, frozen diets. This gives your cat the greatest chance to come off of Insulin Therapy. I am finding that we can control diabetes in about 50% of diabetic cats by only feeding a higher protein canned food. One big additional point is that a change to a high protein canned food often means you'll need to lower insulin doses to avoid hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar). Discuss this with your veterinarian.

Chromium is a supplement that makes the cells more receptive to taking up blood glucose (sugar). It may help to lower the dose of insulin. The dose is 25 mg per 10 lbs of body weight daily.

Diabetes affects the other cells in the body, damaging tissue and organ cells. Antioxidants limit this damage. Vitamin E (100 IU per 10 lbs twice daily) and Vitamin C (100 mg per 10 lbs twice daily) are two common antioxidants I would suggest.

One increasingly effective supplement helpful in treating cat diabetes is fish oil. It is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, and fish oil may increase insulin sensitivity. A feline dose is one regular strength capsule per 10 lbs of body weight given once daily. This equates to 1000mg of fish oil daily.

Cinnamon is a tasty spice has been shown to help regulate blood sugar- it is also a potent antioxidant. The active ingredient is called MHCP which mimics insulin to improve blood sugar regulation. The dose is ¼ of a teaspoon per 10 lbs daily.

You should now be able to recognize the signs of cat diabetes, and know what to do if your cat is showing these symptoms. You'll now have an understanding of what causes diabetes in cats, and be able to take some proactive steps in preventing it in your cat. Most importantly you can now use a few of the holistic solutions to decrease and potential stop your cat from needing daily injections of insulin.

Dr Andrew Jones is the author of a Free Ebook, Cat Health Secrets, which gives you over 100 safe, natural and effective at home remedies to solve your cat's health problems quickly and easily at home. He reveals what Vaccines to AVOID and what to give, The BEST food to feed, plus HOW to save money on veterinary fees. Your FREE CAT HEALTH SECRETS BOOK is at
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Diabetic Cat Food - Buy the Best Dry Food For Cats With Diabetes

If you have a diabetic cat, you know how frustrating it can be to find the right diet. You don't know the first thing about diabetic cat food, but you have to learn it now. If you are like me, you really love your pet, and when he or she is not feeling well or has health problems, it bothers you to no end - especially when you don't know how to fix it.

Because of the processed food that we feed our cats these days, diabetes is growing rampantly. So veterinarians, nutritionists, and doctors have created diabetic cat food that is supposed to help control the insulin in your diabetic cat.

So which cat food is the best for your diabetic pet? Let's look at some options now.

Royal Canin diabetic cat food is about the best dry food to help reduce the effects of diabetes in cats. The manufacturers went through years of intense research to give your diabetic cat a complete and wholesome diet. Royal Canin diabetic cat food is high in protein and low in carbohydrates which is of course the key to keeping your felines healthy and happy.

You can get a 5 pound bag of this dry diabetic cat food at a discount price of $19.99. This bag usually runs about $24.99. This food is veterinarian approved for your cats, but of course you will need a prescription to purchase it. The reason is that it is very powerful and intended only for cats with diabetes. This Royal Canin food will affect how your cat reacts to insulin, so you must be certain to keep an eye on your cat after beginning a diet with this food. But many reviews peg this Royal Canin diabetic cat food as the best dry food for your cats with diabetes.

Another option you have for diabetic food for your cat is veterinary approved Purina. I know from experience that Purina is very good food for your animal although they can be a bit expensive. This Purina food for cats with diabetes comes in dry and canned food, so you can purchase whatever your pet responds to better.

Purina cat food has additional benefits to controlling diabetes in your animal. It is also a source of omega fatty acids and has a ton of Vitamin E in it for your pet's skin and fur. A prescription for this food is required as well, but it is well worth it as this Purina cat food is one of the best that you can purchase for your pet. The 6 pound bag of dry food will run you about $28.99.

Hills also offers diabetic food for your cat that you definitely want to take a look at. This Hills cat food is made for overweight cats (50% o the pet population is overweight) and offers insulin control. It does the two basic things all diabetic food for your animal should do - offers low carbohydrates and high protein. This is a necessity for controlling your pet's metabolism and weight. Hills prescription food also controls glucose levels and maintains proper levels of insulin in your animal.

You will need a prescription to buy this diabetic cat food, so talk to your veterinarian. But it is one of the best options for an animal with diabetes, so I urge you to learn more about Hills now.

So here are some questions that many people that have cats may ask about diabetes. Let's take a look at the answers.

Why do cats get diabetes?

Well, there are a lot of unknowns about this question, but there are also some knowns. One of the most critical factors is the cat's diet. Because of the cat food with high sugar content we feed our felines, we kind of push them down the diabetic hill. The diet along with being obese is a perfect match for diabetes. We feed them so much sugar every day that their body just can't handle it.

What are signs of diabetes?

The primary sign that lets you know if your pet has diabetes is an increase in drinking and urinating. Many cats begin to lose weight dramatically, or begin to vomit and have diarrhea. If you have any concerns, see your veterinarian immediately. You are taking your cat for regular checkups, aren't you?

Is a cat with diabetes doomed?

Absolutely not. Remember that diabetes in cats is a disease man has created by feeding them the wrong diet every single day. The effects of diabetes can be reduced or eliminated altogether by correcting their diet. This is where diabetic cat food comes in and why it is so important to keep your cat on a healthy diet.

Can I feed my cat other things besides diabetic cat food?

Yes, as long as you keep in mind what you are feeding them. You need to keep them on a low carbohydrate diet. Just because you eat it doesn't mean your cat should. And chances are you shouldn't be either! Be careful. Not keeping your cat on a good diet will kill them just like it would kill any human with diabetes.

Find great deals online on the very best diabetic cat food [].
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Cat Food Reviews for Wet Cat Food

Picking food for your cat can be a difficult thing to do if you want to make sure your cat gets high quality stuff. Wet food is generally better than dry food, so you are off to a good start. However, there are so many poor quality wet foods available that you really have to make sure what you are feeding your cat. Companies have perfected ways to cheaply make cat food, all while tricking you into thinking that the food is high quality.

The ingredients list is very important. The grain content in wet food is generally lower than in dry. However, lots of grains can still be present. It is important to ensure that the first couple of ingredients listed are from meat sources. The very first ingredient should be for sure. If it is not, move onto another brand. Ignore the word 'by-product.' It may have a meat source in front of it, for example chicken-by-product. This is actually a garbage ingredient that is unhealthy. If the first ingredient has this word, move onto another brand. You want to see words like 'chicken' or 'turkey' alone. That's the quality stuff.

After that first ingredient, make sure that the following ingredients are not full of grain sources. Words like 'corn meal,' 'gluten,' or 'wheat' will tip you. It is very possible to have the first ingredient listed a meat source, yet the wet food is still mostly grain.

When doing your cat food reviews for wet cat food, another important aspect to take into consideration is the use of artificial ingredients. This means artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives. This is important because it will tell you a lot about the brand of cat food. The use of artificial ingredients is generally a lot cheaper to manufacture than natural ingredients. A company that cares more about profit than providing a quality product would use artificial means. If you see artificial ingredients, perhaps it is better to move onto another brand.

Don't be discouraged when doing your cat food reviews. It is important to read over the ingredients and understand what you are looking for. The fact that you are interested in finding a high quality food for your cat is great. If you are having difficulty, there is no need to worry. Luckily, there are great cat food reviews tools available to assist you in determining the best food for your cat.

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High Protein Dog Food

Nourishing your pet with the utmost degree of vitamins and minerals that his body requires is significant. Otherwise, your beloved cat or dog wouldn't be able to follow the normal growth range. There are also tendencies for your dog to be too irritable or extremely laid back when he's not fed appropriately with high protein dog food. For your pet to function mentally and physically, you must follow certain scheduling when to feed him. You can't just feed with anything you think might be stomach-filling. It's a must that you nourish him with protein-loaded food that enhances his bone and muscle development while enhancing his brain functionality.

Of course, wellness of your dog is as important as your own. If you are what you eat, your dog is the same. Whatever dog takes in will manifest in the way he behaves, moves and copes with the environment. High protein dog food is necessary for your dog because it practically suffice his nutritional needs. An ultimately high in protein food is formulated by nutritionists and food makers as regulated by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. If your dog is the energetic and responsive type, then he must be fed with meat and bone meals. His food component should also contain a bit of fiber, carbohydrate and good fat in order to level up his pyramid of nutritional requirements.

An ideal high protein dog food must contain whole grain ground wheat, poultry digest, soybeans, salt, minerals, cultured yeast, beet pulp, poultry fat, vitamins A, D3, B12 and E, folic acid, ground corn and poultry bi-product. These ingredients complement the active lifestyle of your dog. If you are unaware of exactness in terms of pet nutrition, you must consult the veterinarian. Aside from protein-rich food, you can also apply the holistic way of feeding dry dog food. Mother Nature would always be pleased to know that you are actually not dependent on artificial foodstuff for your pets. Human grade ingredients are being used while avoiding to some fancy preservatives. Raw feeding philosophy is relevant to the cliché that says you are what you munch in.

Dogs are man's best friends. They deserve good meals that do not endanger their health. Holistic works as much as high protein dog food diet. Protein-centered meal of a dog can also come from turkey and chicken meat or perhaps full turkey meal. This is a total combo of protein meal that also contains some carbohydrates, oils and fiber. When you are still searching for the best dog food for your pet, you must take into consideration the ingredients found in each serving. At the end of the day, the food you feed your dog must be ultimately balanced in all nutrients.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about dog food [], please visit My Natural Dog Food [] for current articles and discussions.
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Is High Protein Dog Food a Worthwhile Choice?

A growing number of dog owners want to know what their dogs are eating. Specialty foods are advertised as the best thing yet, but are they really better for our dogs than the food we can buy in the grocery store? How about high protein dog food - should dogs have it, or is it a problem? Here's what you should know, and a few myths that aren't really true, to help you understand whether high protein dog food is really worthwhile.

A lot of people are sure that high protein dog food is bad for our pets, but they're mistaken. We have studies proving that dogs of any age not only won't be hurt by a high protein diet (kidney problems and bone growth issues just don't occur the way some claim), but they'll actually be helped by it.
After all, to produce lean muscle, your dog needs to get the right nutrition, and protein is an important part of that. Remember to keep dogs with kidney problems on a diet with only moderate protein, but don't reduce it too much. Most dogs just don't eat enough.

Remember that dogs which aren't eating the kind of protein they need can have serious health and behavioral problems. Choosing a higher protein food can keep you away from expensive vet appointments and make day to day life easier. Choose foods that don't have too much fat or calcium, especially for younger large and giant breed dogs. Unfortunately, there are a few high protein dog foods that are up to a fifth fat - great for active and working dogs, and not so good for lazy ones.

Dogs that really enjoy their current food shouldn't be deprived. Instead, boost their protein intake by adding fresh, protein rich foods, from cottage cheese and low fat yogurt to eggs, meat, bone in canned fish and many others. You may find that just changing from a diet high in carbohydrates to one that's high in protein can eliminate many behavioral issues.

Remember that large and giant breed puppies shouldn't overfed, as it could cause developmental issues and health problems down the road. We all want big, healthy dogs, but too much growth too quickly can actually hurt our pets. Avoid calcium supplements and stick to appropriate puppy food, not adult dog food.

Many senior dogs eat low protein food, and it could be hurting them. Weight gain in dogs on a low protein diet is common, since their bodies encourage them to eat more to get the nutrients they need. Switch to high protein, low carbohydrate, moderate fat dog foods for your heavy or older dog, and see if something changes!

I am a Professional Dog Groomer and have been so for over 15 years. In that time I have seen countless instances of dogs eating discount dog food or one of the brands you see endlessly on television commercials. More often than not these are the dogs that have dry, itchy skin, hot spots,lethargy, and/or ear infections, to name a few of the problems that I encounter.

I would like to offer you a FREE 10 part mini course which will answer some of your questions about what you are, and should be, feeding your pet to insure optimal health!

Please visit our website Healthy Dog Food to get your pet started down the path to a healthy and happy life!
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3 Tips for Getting Free Printable Dog Food Coupons for Keeping Your Dog Healthier

Good dog food is essential for keeping your dog healthier. But cost included for maintaining their good health may sometimes reach out of your budget. Here are 3 tips for getting free printable dog food coupons for keeping your dog healthier at discounted prices.

Most of the people are worried about the increasing vet bills and cost of food items of their loving animal. But with some of the tips and carefulness you can save much on your pet's maintenance.

But have you ever tried out the dog food coupons that are now available for you. It can save you much on your pockets when you just take these coupons and check your nearby grocery and departmental stores to get the heavy discounts on food.

With the help of these coupons you have to never compromise on the quality as you get the good quality and better brands at relatively less price. How and where to get these coupons? Here are 3 tips for getting free printable dog food coupons for keeping your dog healthier:

1- Just Check out the main official website of your food for dog brand. Many times they are offering you discounts and coupons from time to time and you can just grab them online. Or if there are no current discounts and coupons, you should sign-up for their free newsletter that can provide you the details of their upcoming coupons and discounts.

2- Check out other coupon websites present online. There are also the shopping sites like E Bay where you can find some saving options. You can also look out through the categories of your related dog food coupons on these sites to get the best ones for you.

3- Lastly you need to read out every details and Terms of the discount coupons offered. Many times it's possible you find some expired coupons which create confusion.

So with these tips and more you will be saving much for your food for dog. This can save you much at the year's end and you can purchase some of the exciting toys or that extra protein rich food for your dog next time you visit your store.

So start caring for your Dog more and give them natural dog vitamins and also save money with exciting dog food coupons available for you.
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Dry Dog Food Comparison

Before you buy any dog food for your pet, it will be essential that you know what is in their favorite foods and compare dog food ingredients and look at dog food ratings. This means taking the time to read our dry dog food comparison to fully understand what they are eating.

While many of these foods may seem like the best options based on packaging promises, we will show you what are the good and what are the bad ingredients to give you a good dry dog food comparison. When you compare dog foods, the proof is in the dog food ingredients, so you yourself can use our dry dog food comparison and understand which dog food ratings are credible.

You might ask why should I even think about using commercial canine food, what with some canine food manufacturers using inexpensive byproducts and low quality ingredients? The answer to that question is that most people do not have the time, money or commitment to have their canines on a homemade food diet. There are quality canine food products out there, you just need to compare canine food ingredients by knowing what are quality ingredients from our dry food comparison.

Find out the main ingredients of the manufacturer's food. We start out our comparison by looking past the first five or seven ingredients, and look at ALL the ingredients to see where filler or lower quality ingredients are used. Look at the first source of fat or oil when you compare canine food ingredients. These can be sourced from animal or vegetable, with the non-specific sources that you should avoid are: animal fat, poultry fat, vegetable oil, generic fish oil and mineral oil.

Look at the quality of the ingredients. This is a tough topic to really get definitive results because the Association of American Feed Control Officials, which is the governing body for the feed industry, will not allow statements on the "quality" of canine food ingredients. So we do not know how much of an ingredient is in their food, and whether quality products were used in manufacturing that canine food. So it is up to the consumer to decide which manufacturer they trust and what results they have gotten when using specific dog brands.

What ingredients are good and which are bad. OK, so let's detail the main ingredients that make up your four legged friend's food, and then you can get a better picture on making your own food comparison. Fats And Oils - A dog's skin and coat will remain healthy with some fats and oils in their food. Proper brain development is helped by fats and oils in their diet. These fats and oils must be specifically named and of high nutrition. Dogs will love lard and beef tallow, but these are high in saturated fats and low in fatty acids (which are needed for a good diet). When the fats and oils are specifically named then you can be the judge like chicken fat, canola oil, sunflower oil, herring oil and flax oil.

Here are the fats and oils you need to avoid when buying canine food: mineral oil, animal fat, poultry fat, generic fish oil and vegetable oil.

Find out the best dog food we have rated at:
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Dog Food Ratings

Some of the very first commercial dog foods were made from waste materials from meat processing plants. Since that time, dog food has come a very long way. Dog owners can now find information on what is in their dog's meal and what they should or shouldn't be feeding their dog. To choose the best food for your dog, it is important to do research and look at ratings of dog food. Many ratings have been made available through different forms of resources and are there to help you choose the most nutritious food for your pet.

Ratings for dog's food are based on a variety of different aspects. Some of these aspects include the ingredients used in each formula, the origin, quality, and level of nutrition. These ratings are also based on the background of each pet food company, including their history, quality standards, and if they've ever been involved in a pet food recall.

Although you should research reviews of pet food before purchasing, it is important to understand the problem with these kinds of ratings. They can never reveal the true quality of the ingredients that were used to make the products they attempt to rate. Not only do most pet food companies conceal the origin of their ingredients, they also change the sources of those ingredients. It can be said that many raw materials used to make dog foods are bought and sold in an open market. The worst part is that manufacturers are not legally required to report changes in their suppliers to their customers. This means that raw materials may be bought through less reputable third party suppliers. So when researching these ratings, make sure to research thoroughly.

Three brands that receive some of the highest dog food ratings are Fromm, Orijen, and Innova pet food. However, despite high ratings, many people chose to feed their dog a homemade meal rather than pay the high costs of a "quality" pet food. Even when it comes to the best foods for dogs, there are certain secrets that the manufactures do not have to tell us. One secret is that the protein levels that are listed on the average bag of food is not listed as a percentage of digestible protein. Typically the digestibility in even quality commercial pet foods is only between 70 to 80 percent. The digestibility of the food can drop to 60 percent or less in some lower quality pet foods.

When feeding your dog a quality home-cooked meal, you can easily steer your beloved pet away from things like preservatives, additives, and artificial flavoring. Many homemade dog food recipes use fresh, healthy ingredients like bananas, honey, peanut butter, vegetables, apples, and pumpkins. They also use nutritious meats such as fresh beef, chicken, turkey, and fish.

Perry Brown is a dog food recipes expert. For great information on Dog Food Ratings, visit
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All About Free Pet Food Samples

The market not only addresses the taste of the human consumer, it has now begun to address the taste of our canine and feline friends too! Freebies are now offered for folks with pets too. In order to better understand the tastes of pets, most pet food manufacturers advertise free pet food samples.

Owners are advised to fill in the online forms for the required product and this is then mailed to the owner. The dog or cat has the choice of selecting the sample from a range of products and accordingly the owner may place an order. This will save the owner unnecessary expense in case he buys food that his pet does not fancy.

Pet food is not confined to one kind of food. If your pet fancies one particular flavour then it certainly has the freedom to choose that particular flavour. All these benefits are free and the consumer is allowed to make his choice free of cost. To make choosing easy, a free brochure is sent to the owner and he can then make the appropriate choice. There are factors like age, taste and routine of the dog or cat which have been taken into account. Some manufacturers also send free nutritional advice to owners. Apart from this there are discounts and vouchers offered for extra goodies for both puppies and kittens. Growing puppies and kittens have different nutritional needs as do aging dogs and cats. Free pet food samples are sent keeping all the above factors in mind. Owners need to fill in all the details and requirements in order to procure these free samples.

Most pet owners are anxious to feed their pets the food they enjoy and are therefore looking for healthy and nutritious choices in the kind of pet food they buy. Free samples are therefore very popular and guarantees more orders for the manufacturers.

While there is promise of free pet food samples most of the advertisers ask for feedback from the buyer about the product. The customer service promises additional freebies for merely giving feedback about the product. The feedback is valuable for the manufacturer because it will help him improve his product according the taste of the 'customer'. The customer (here being the dog or cat) is the king! The feedback rating given by the owner is then posted on the website and this is once again very helpful to popularise the product.

Checkout Free Samples UK website for free cat food, dog food and free perfume and makeup samples. You can also look for online discount vouchers from leading online retailers.
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Merrick Dog Food Guide - A Look at the Ingredients and Recipes Available From This Pet Food Company

Merrick dog food offers more than 60 recipes of healthy meals for dogs and puppies of all ages and breeds. It's a family-owned company in Amarillo, TX. What stands the company out is its willingness to conduct cutting-edge research on nutrition and vitamins for canines. When it comes to feeding your dog, any ole' dog food just won't do. You must take the time to determine which ingredients your dog needs in order to maintain good health.

The size and shape of the kibbles you feed your dog should be ideal for your dog's breed. Different breeds of canines have different eating habits and jaw structures. Merrick actually takes the time to do research on the eating habits and nutritional needs of every breed.

Another thing you can count on is the food coming from US farms. All of the meat found in this dog food is USDA-inspected. It's deboned and healthy. The recipes include ingredients that dogs need, including protein, glucosamine, chondroitin, and more. The amount of these ingredients is needed depends on the age and size of the dog.

Puppies require high amounts of protein since they are very playful and energetic. Flavors include deboned turkey, chicken, chicken broth, duck, and more. The formulas for puppy food contain no grains or artificial preservatives. It's a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, and deboned meats.

There have been a lot of Merrick dog food reviews praising the recipes in recent years. The Cowboy Cookout formula in particular has a lot of positive reviews. This wet can food is ideal for adult dogs. It's a savory beef stew with vegetables covered in gravy. It's made mostly out of natural ingredients with minimal processing.

Another popular meal is the classic Turducken canned meal, which is a good combination of turkey, duck, and chicken. It's a holistic entrée that features all of the meats and vegetables dogs love. Its number one ingredient is protein.

One of the ingredients found in this recipe, among others, is barley. Barley is a healthy carbohydrate that supplies fiber, which is essential for a dog's digestive health. Barley also helps support stable blood sugar levels.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are also found in Merrick's meals. Both of these are essential for a variety of reasons. For starters, they support the immune system and help prevent diseases. Omega-3 also helps to relieve inflammation problems such as arthritis and flea allergies. Omega-6 supports a healthy, shiny coat.

Merrick dog food is a great, healthy choice for your pet. It doesn't matter how old your dog is, or what breed, there are quality meals formulated just for him or her.

Never let price be a concern when it comes to quality nutrition for your pets. Check out some Merrick dog food coupons to find out how you can get a good deal. These recipes come with all of the ingredients needed to give your dog a healthy, happy life.

To find out more about pet food and pet supplies along with discounts, coupons, and special offers for PETCO, visit George's website -
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Make Your Own Healthy Organic Dog Food

You may well be aware of all the benefits of switching to an organic diet for a healthier and longer life. But did you know that your canine pal can benefit from eating organic dog food also? By changing your dog to an organic food source, you can do your best to ensure that he or she lives a longer, healthier life. Benefit from less trips to the veterinarian, more energy, and better overall health.

You can also save yourself a bunch of money by making your own organic dog food right at home. Not only will this make you feel better knowing that you are promoting better health for your dog, but also you can save a bunch of money at the same time.

Steps to Better Dog Food

One of the first things that you need to have handy when you go to make your own organic dog food is an air-tight container to store the finished product in. Homemade dog food should only be stored for a few days, certainly not more than four or five days. Be sure not to make up any more than your dog will consume through that period. Organic dog food should be fed in much the same way as typical store bought dog food. If your dog currently eats a cup of dry food per day, then the same quantity of your homemade healthy dog food should do the job nicely.

Maybe the second most important element of your organic dog food is the base ingredients you use. Choose only the good cuts of ground beef, turkey, or chicken that you would feel comfortable feeding to your family. Cook the meat you choose thoroughly, and blend to achieve a fine texture in your blender or food processor.

Adding vegetables to your organic dog food is also important. Dogs need beta carotene for good eyesight. Grind several carrots (three or four) in your blender to a fine pulp. Mix both meat and vegetables together and add several cups of well cooked, brown rice. This will help to bind it all together. This should then be stored in an air-tight container in your refrigerator. Feed it to your dog as required.

Making your own organic dog food is easy and it only adds a few dollars to your grocery budget.

Top Reasons to Choose Organic Pet Food

Maybe you have been considering making the switch to organic pet food, but you are unsure about it. Read the following list of top reasons why organic is best for any pet. Not only will your pet thank you for making the switch to this new healthy dog food, but your budget should be smaller.

A Healthier Pet, Smaller Budget

When you make the switch to organic pet food for your dog or cat, you will no longer be included with those pet owners who need to check their pet food each time there is a product recall. By changing to organic, you can help to ensure that your furry friend has not only a well balanced diet, but also contains no chemicals and preservatives.

Just as with an organic diet for you and your family, organic pet food can help your pet live a longer, healthier life. When you eliminate the preservatives and additives from your pet food, you will worry less about vet visits, because your pet will have a stronger immune system. By feeding your pet organic pet food, you are helping them to be stronger and healthier.

Not only will your pet live a healthier and longer life, but your budget will look much better as well. Not only can you purchase organic food for your pet much cheaper than you can purchase store bought pet foods, but you can also create your own organic pet food in your home for only a few dollars. This should prove to be the most healthy dog food you could provide.

Make Your Own

By making the switch to organic pet food, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are giving your pet healthy food at a minimal price. By making your own organic pet food, you can help to ensure that you and your family pet can have a long and healthy life together for a long life.

Tom Henricks maintains a blog where you can exchange info about petfood.
For more information about Petfood please visit []
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Finding The Best Cat Food To Protect Against Urinary Tract Problems

In the past protecting against cat urinary system dangers such as bacterial infection, stones, bladder thickening, and incontinence was something most pet owners didn't think about until after the fact, if at all. But it seems this view has started to change in recent years.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by serving up the best cat food for urinary problems you can find. In this article we will provide you with a few tips to put you, and your favorite feline, on the right track.

While it seems that finding the best cat food for urinary problems would be a no brainer personally I have not found this to be the case. Part of the reason is the tiny mouse print on most cans and bags.

I must confess it worries me when any pet food is considered to be all natural but lists 30 or more ingredient some of which don't sound all that natural.

So if you are planning on doing some investigative label reading be sure to take a pair of glasses and allocate an extra 10 minutes or so. Better yet go to a pet food store that has an in-house veterinarian and ask him or her.

Before we go on I would like to commend you for taking the initiative to find the best cat food for urinary problems. Doing this will likely raise your pets quality of life, improve overall urinary tract help, protect against disease, and may even tack on a few good years.

There is no shortage of research on diet and urinary tract health in pets but as with most research conclusions can be confusing and do change with time.

Originally it was thought that magnesium and ash were to be avoided.

Why? Because magnesium along with ammonium and phosphate are needed for the formation of the most common type of urinary tract crystals and stones (struvite).

Currently, this idea seems to have taken a back seat to pH levels. For cats a neutral pH level is between 6 and 6.5. That said, I would still keep magnesium levels low just in case.
Really, what we talking about here is a neutral pH since low pH levels can lead to stone formation as well as high pH. One could make the argument that a slightly higher pH level could be the better (if you were to go one way or the other) due to the antibacterial benefits gained and could be neutralized through hydration. Nevertheless, in determining the best cat food for urinary problems we should shoot for the 6.5 mark.

For the most part cat foods have come a long way and almost any brands should be okay for your cat. That said, there are few caveats worth mentioning.

The first is to stay away from foods that have a lot of artificial coloring. Artificial coloring must be filtered out of the bloodstream by the kidneys and are generally chemical compounds. While the research is sketchy on this subject most suggests that artificial coloring in quantity can lead to a series of problems including weakening of the immune system which is a major contributing factor in the development of bacterial urinary tract infections in cats.

Note: Recently a popular brand turned my Tabby Cat Bright Yellow! It was not as apparent with my other cats due to their dark fur. So beware.

My second suggestion for finding the best cat food for urinary problems is to use fish flavored foods only occasionally, or even better not at all. Fish flavored foods are thought to promote urinary crystal formation.

Third is to add a little water or broth to your cat's dry food with the ultimate goal to be a mostly canned food diet.

Again there is a caveat and that is wet foods tend to promote dental problems so dental care will need to be stepped up.

Once you determine the best cat food for urinary problems there are a handful of things you can do to make sure your cat stays healthy and avoids urinary tract problems. They are to make sure your cat has plenty of fresh purified water to drink, add a few drops of cranberry or raspberry juice to their water each day, make sure they stay active, keep stress levels to a minimum, and lastly consider one of the highly regarded homeopathic pet UTI remedies or tonics to use as security blanket just in case.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health and wellness with over 10 years experience in the field.

To discover more about FLUTD in pets along with information about a safe and effective herbal and homeopathic pet urinary tract conditioning supplement Click Here.
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Diamond Pet Food Offers the Best in Quality and Healthy Ingredients For Your Pets

Diamond pet food has been producing some of the best quality pet food for years. They strive to ensure that your pet will get the best ingredients and quality by selling healthy pet food for your pet.
They stand by their products and carefully formulate them to enhance the happiness, health and performance of your pet. They offer different formulas for all kinds of special nutritional needs that your pets may have.

The ingredients that Diamond uses in their pet food are only the best quality available. They include the following:

o Animal protein from sources with the highest amino acid levels and easily digestible formulas.

o Natural flaxseed to taste good and provide omega-3 nutrients.

o Quality chicken fat that is very digestible for animals and provides the most energy potential. This also includes a blend of Omega-6 nutrients.

o Dried chicory root and beet pulp that act as sources of fiber to help maintain the intestinal health of your pet.

o Protein that is low in ash, very digestible and promotes smooth muscle development.

o Specially formulated amounts of minerals and vitamins that help guard your pet against any nutrient deficiencies.

o Chondroitin and Glucosamine, which are vital to help keep your pet's joints strong and healthy.

In addition to the quality ingredients that go into Diamond pet food, they also have a very advanced quality system that ensures that only the best products leave the plant and get to the shelves of your stores.

Diamond offers products for both cats and dogs, and different varieties for each. For those who like to only feed their pets natural products, they offer the Diamonds Natural line of pet food that provides the best nutrition and promotes good health for your pets. They also offer different formulas for specific concerns of pet owners. For those who need to feed their pets a gentle diet, Diamond offers their lamb and rice formulas. For the older pets they offer Senior formulas to help your pet continue to stay healthy and live long.

Diamond also offers different formulas for different kinds of dogs to address specific needs of large breed dogs and smaller breed dogs. They offer indoor cat formulas for your kitties that stay inside. The indoor cat formula also includes ingredients that can help prevent hairballs. They also offer special formulated blends for puppies and kittens to address their special nutritional needs as they are growing.

Diamond pet food offers something for all of the pets in your life. If you want to ensure that your pets will stay strong and healthy and share a long life with you, the best thing you can do is make sure they eat a healthy diet and get all of the nutrition that they need. Diamond pet food products are available online and in stores. They are committed to providing your pets the best quality and nutrition. Show your pets how much you love them by helping them stay healthy.

To learn more about pet health, aspca pet insurance or to download a pet health record be sure to visit our site.
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Top Cat Food Brands

he continuous tight spot for all pet owners continues to be the food for their pet as they just can't seem to find something that has all the proteins and vitamins that their pets need and is also tasty enough. Altogether in the same package is not so easy to find but nonetheless it is necessary for the good health and well being of your pet. The best way to find what is best for your cat is by comparing and contrasting the good aspects and the bad aspects of the food that you are considering. The most important thing is that every cat food you consider should have the necessary nutrients to keep the health, muscle growth, general growth, teeth, coat and all other developments.

When you understand more about cat food and the ingredients, it will be much easier to choose. There is of course, the factor that your cat should like it too. Keeping a good mix is also important as your cat might get bored with the same formula or might just take an instant dislike to some. Listed below are the top brands when it comes to cat food for your benefit.

Top Cat Food Brands:

Innova EVO Dry Cat Food: The quality and nutritional value of this cat food surpasses all other brands and it is well known to satisfy the palate of all cats. The main ingredients include turkey, chicken, potatoes and also herring meal. It makes up for meat, fish as well as vegetables which are necessary to complete the diet. Even though it is a little bit on the pricey side, it is highly available and the most preferred brand.

Wellness CORE Dry Cat Food: It is actually a very good and strong competitor for Innova EVO and it also has pretty much the same ingredients and there is not much difference in the formula or the price. However, the meat is completely deboned before the formula and also has the three main ingredients meat, fish and vegetables.

Natural Balance Ultra Premium Cat Food: Containing four meat sources like duck, chicken, fish meal and lamb meal, it is the ideal food for all cats including kittens. Also containing a good portion of proteins, it is well suited for all lactating queens and it is perfect for all life style. The price is very much affordable and it also has a healthy proportion of vegetables and brown rice to add to the taste and nutritional value of your cats.

Evolve Dry Cat Food: With a good portion of chicken and chicken meal for the main protein and meat source and brewer's rice and also brown rice as part of the carbohydrates, Evolve has a very prominent place along with the other top brands for cat food. Having a very high protein content, it also has vegetables and a small portion of fish meal in it too.

California Natural Chicken and Rice Cat Food: All the ingredients used here are quite natural with the very best quality and is preferred by all the cat owners who are looking for the most affordable and also highly natural and nutritious cat food available at almost all the stores.

Felidae Cat and Kitten Formula: The protein source of around 32% provided by the four meat sources lends a special flavor to the formula that the cats find very refreshing and tasty and soon this becomes one of the favorites for both the owners as well as the cats. It also contains herbs and fruits and keeps the coat of your cat very shiny and smooth and also offers a lot of other health benefits.

With these diverse choices that you have you can choose from highly organic food to a raw food diet. Anything that suits your cat would be absolutely fine if it is also perfect on the cost and of course, the health of your cat which is more important than anything else.
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Commercial Dog and Cat Food - What's in That Bag?

Like humans, what your dog or cat eats matters. It matters for their health because food supplies your pet with nutrition. And it matters to quite a few corporations... Pet care is $28 Billion a year industry.

Prior to the 1950's family pets were fed meat and table scraps... "people food". In an effort to popularize commercial pet food, manufacturers marketed it as "complete" - positioning it as better for pets than people food. Ironically, "premium" brands are positioned as better because they're more like people food.

What's Important About Commercial Pet Food?

First you should understand that pet industry is not regulated like human food is. Which means you can't assume a certain level of safety.

Animal food safety in the US is the responsibility of the FDA via the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The CVM regulates mainly livestock food - animal feed products, medicated feed, additives and animal drugs. The FDA "partners" with AAFCO - the American Association of Feed Control Officials - to fulfill its responsibility for the pet industry. AAFCO is a private advisory board. It is staffed with a number of pet manufacturers and some government agencies.

Nearly all packaged foods - both for pets and people - have preservatives to prevent quick spoilage.
ONE of the differences between made-for-people food and made-for-pet food is the preservatives that are used. Some of the preservatives allowed in pet food are dangerous chemicals. They are effective in extending the shelf life of the food; HOWEVER, they may shorten the life of your pet.

Preservatives To Avoid

BHA - Butylated Hydroxyanisole and the related compound BHT - Butylated Hydroxytoluene preserve fats from breaking down and going rancid. BHA is associated with hyperactivity, liver damage and stomach cancer.

BHT is suspected to cause liver damage and thyroid and bladder cancer.

Ethoxyquin is another fat preservative used in pet food. It's also used as a pesticide. The FDA has banned Ethoxyquin from human food, but does allow it in pet food. In 1997, the FDA did request manufacturers VOLUNTARILY decrease the amount used. Studies show Ethoxyquin increases kidney, stomach and bladder cancer. It's also been linked to autoimmune diseases. Some manufacturers simply list it as "E" on the label.

Propyl Gallate is used to preserve fats and oils. It's been associated with allergic reactions, stomach and skin irritation and kidney and liver disease.

Propylene Glycol is another preservative. It's been linked to kidney damage and liver abnormalities. As well, cats often get "addicted" to food with Propylene Glycol.

Better Preservatives
The most common non-chemical preservatives are: Vitamin E, Tocopherols and Vitamin C. Some of the natural/organic brands use Rosemary extract as a preservative.

Before grabbing that next bag or can, flip it over and scan through the ingredient list. Your pet will fare better without the more dangerous preservatives.

Dog and cat nutrition matters to their health. Many commercial pet foods fill the belly but compromise your pets health. Better pet care with nutrition, herbs and Bach Flower Essences.
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Doggie Food - Tips On Good Nutrition for Your Dog

If you have a dog of your own you will know that a full tummy doesn't nearly cover the whole process of deciding which dog food to buy.

Your dog is your best friend, you will want him to live the fullest, happiest life that he can. Feeding him the best food will not only ensure that he is healthy and happy, but has a shiny coat and lively tail too.

Many of our spoiled pets become fussy. It's a natural progression from being fussed over so much. If you have fussy dogs, like me, you will know how guilt laden mealtimes can become.

You want to give your dog the best advantage in life; why not consider cooking some specially prepared meals just for your dog. Whilst it is true that many owners can provide their dogs with adequate nutrition on a vegetarian diet, this is tricky and time consuming to accomplish. Buying a medium quality dog food and adding some extra goodness should be sufficient.

One of the best ways to ensure your dog is receiving optimum nutrition whilst living on medium quality pet food is to add some kind of nutritional supplement. This can ensure good nutrition at all times. One such proven source is NuVet.

A news release, Chattanooga, TN with Calvin Sneed (Consumer Advocate) reported a breeder in Tennessee got caught in the Diamond Dog food recall and 12 out of 14 dogs died. However the 2 that didn't die were on NuVet. You can only buy this product from breeder referral. 1-800-474-7044. Referral number is 75855.

Read the labels of any dog food you buy carefully. Any of the foods you buy should contain turkey, beef, chicken or any other animal by-product to keep your dog looking healthy and glossy.

If you are changing your dog's diet you are vulnerable to guilt-treating practices. Don't overcompensate for your dog's fussiness. The quickest way your dog will learn to appreciate a new dog food is to be forced to make do with what is served up at mealtimes. Don't give treats or snacks because your dog isn't eating. This just encourages fussy eating and perpetuates the cycles of fussiness again. Be firm.

If you are trying to incorporate some home cooked goodness into your dog's life you might need to include rice, corn, oatmeal or wheat. These are all excellent sources of carbohydrates. You will need to keep in mind that most of your dog's most valuable proteins come from meat. Whilst many say that dogs are omnivores - they are still partially carnivorous.

If you have a dog be sure NEVER to give them the following:

o Chocolate

o Raw fish or eggs

o Onions

o Tomatoes

With careful attention and some patience you can revolutionize your dog's diet. And hopefully help him live a long and healthy life.

Steve Allison loves writing about dogs and manages the website New Puppy Dog Web [] He also has a small kennel breeding Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Pomeranians, Boston Terriers All Pups and writes for the family cleaning business located in Nashville, TN All Metro Clean []
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Diamond Dog Food Recall and Its Impact on Your Pet's Health and Wellness

As you may know by now, a consumer alert has been released for contaminated Diamond pet foods for dogs and cats. Over 100 canine deaths have already been linked to Diamond pet foods contaminated by the potentially deadly toxin Aflatoxin.

Aflatoxin is a naturally occurring toxic chemical byproduct that results from the growth of the fungus Aspergillus flavus on corn and other crops. The fungus typically develops on crops during severe high temperature stress and drought conditions followed by high levels of humidity.

Aflatoxin is similar to another toxic byproduct, Vomitoxin, that was found in Nature's Recipe brand dog food in 1995.

Dogs could experience liver trouble, liver failure and even death due to the contaminated food. Scientists say about two-thirds of dogs that show symptoms from the toxin have died.
While there have not been any reports of cat health issues or fatalities due to the recall, five Diamond cat food formulas have been recalled due to the presence of aflatoxin. 24 states and 20 pet food products manufactured by Diamond are affected by the recall.

Symptoms of potential illness in dogs can include a sudden and unusual loss of appetite; severe, persistent vomiting combined with bloody diarrhea; discolored urine; fever; and yellow whites of the eyes, yellow gums, and/or yellow in the belly or areas where hair is very thin.

If your dog or cat has consumed Diamond, Country Value or Professional brand pet foods and is showing clinical signs of aflatoxin, you should stop using that food and consult your veterinarian immediately.

From a Pet Health Standpoint

This is certainly a rare and isolated case -- in fact, it's the first pet food recall by Diamond in over 35 years of operation -- but the Diamond Pet Food recall news is the latest example to underscore just how important the quality of the food you feed your cats and dogs food is -- it can literally make the difference between a long, healthy life for your pet and an unexpected, needless death.
From a pet care and nutrition standpoint, there are several issues to consider regarding the contaminated foods in this case:
  • Toxic mold on grains - Most pet food formula ingredient labels feature at least one variety of whole grain or processed grain, and many contain several types of grain. What the labels don't list, however, is the source and quality of the grains. It's important to research pet foods and select ones that only use grains purchased from major commercial suppliers and that have the grains tested and retested by specialized labs to ensure the highest possible quality -- as well as to prevent the possibility of toxic molds being introduced into the pet foods. While grain is often cheaper when purchased from smaller or less reputable operations, the risk of toxic mold is greater. 
  • Corn used in dog foods - The use of corn in so many of Diamond's dog food is of some concern. While corn is a whole grain frequently found in cat food formulas, it's more difficult to digest by dogs (as well as humans) and can cause allergic reactions in some dogs. The feline digestive system can better utilize corn, and corn also delivers important dietary benefits to cats and kittens, but in dog foods it simply serves as a low-cost filler, albeit one that many manufacturers like Diamond use in order to save money. Corn passes right through a dog, providing little to no nutritional value. If a dog food, such as Diamond's Premium Adult Formula for Dogs, lists corn as the first or second ingredient on its label, the customer can expect to pay for up to 25% filler in that food.
  • Best by dates - In general, foods will spoil without some form of temperature control or preservatives. While natural preservatives such as mixed tocopherols prevent foods from becoming rancid, they generally have a limited peak freshness of only six to twelve months in ideal conditions (stored in cool, dry environments). After six months -- or much sooner if stored in hot or humid conditions -- the product's quality begins to quickly deteriorate. Chemical antioxidants like BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin can extend the shelf life and reduce fat spoilage (rancidity) in pet foods and pet treats, but they have been shown to frequently result in dry skin, allergic reactions, dental disease, and poor health, as well as stimulate adverse effects on liver and kidney functions. The fact that Diamond foods manufactured between September and December of 2005 carry "best by" dates between March 1 and June 10, 2007 -- 18 months from the date of production -- is concerning. The ingredients labels for many of Diamond's pet foods show that mixed tocopherols are used in the formulas, but the listed "best by" dates contradict their use, or at very least, greatly overestimate the longevity of their efficacy.
  • Meat by-products - While not directly related to the pet food recall, a quick glance at the ingredients of Diamond dog food formulas and those of other pet foods shows that animal byproducts continue to constitute a large portion of many pet foods. Meat byproducts are ground, rendered and cleaned slaughtered meat carcass parts such as necks, feet, undeveloped eggs, bones, heads, and intestines (and a small amount of feathers in the case of chicken byproducts) -- yes, animal byproducts are indeed as gross and disgusting as they sound. In many cases, byproduct meals are derived from "4-D" meat sources -- defined as food animals that have been rejected for human consumption because they were presented to the meat packing plant as "Dead, Dying, Diseased or Disabled." Additionally, ingredients listed as "beef, chicken, and/or poultry by-products" on pet food labels are not required to include actual meat, and "rendered meat" on pet food labels can refer to ANY rendered mammal meat, including dogs and cats! Despite their questionable quality, animal byproducts continue to be used in the majority of lower-grade pet foods and even many of the larger name brands that market themselves as "premium pet food" manufacturers for one simple reason -- they are cheaper to use than higher quality, human-grade meat sources.
Your pet's health and wellness depends largely on the food that you feed him or her. It's important to research your pet's food and ensure that you are using a pet food that offers the highest quality ingredients with absolutely none of the animal byproducts, unhealthy fillers, artificial additives and chemical preservatives of the typical cat and dog food brands.

To learn more about what to look for in a pet food, click to read our Top 10 Reasons to Make the Switch to a Healthier Pet Food.

Flint River Ranch wellness pet foods from A+ Flint River Ranch are all natural, oven baked healthy taste delights for your dogs and cats formulated with the highest quality ingredients.
Copyright A+ Flint River Ranch. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.
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Natural Balance Dog Food Is A Good Way For Your Dog

Dog food is plant or animal material intended for consumption by dogs. Special foods given as a reward, and not as a staple, are known as treats.

Some people make their own natural balance food or feed their dogs meals made from ingredients purchased in grocery or health-food stores; many others rely on commercially manufactured food and natural dog food.

Stay away from any food that uses the word "by products". Some commercial pet food companies advertise "natural dog food" and use "by products". For example, rather than using whole chicken, they have substituted by products like chicken heads, feet, and intestines. These by products are indeed "natural" but they are not good for your dog.

Choose healthy fresh lean meat for your dog. Meat is the basic component of protein requirements of your dog. An all natural balance dog food may contain lean meat like turkey, chicken, beef and fish. Kidney, liver and other organ meat are also good for your dog. Cook the meat before feeding it to your dog. Although dogs are carnivores, it is best to cook meat to kill the bacteria that may cause health problems to your dog.

Another source of all natural balance dog food is the addition of vegetables to your dogs' diet. Vegetables act as antioxidants and a good source of nutrients and vitamins. You can add cooked corn, squash, peas and potatoes. Raw carrots and lettuce are also good for your dog.

Dogs need vitamin and mineral supplementation too. This will help to strengthen their immune system. Supplements, most of the food we offer contain additional ingredients to add vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients. It is always a good idea to also add some fish oil to your pet's food, an excellent source of essential fatty acids, as well as digestive enzymes and an overall multivitamin supplement containing key nutrients (a lot like your daily vitamins, only more important since a pet's diet tends to be less fresh and varied than yours).

Feeding a variety of healthy meals will create balance over the course of the week. The market does not offer much choices if the dog is kept on one brand of commercial food. Unless you are willing to use different brands, the limited choices may prove to be difficult for your dog to switch food easily.
You also have to make sure that your dog is well hydrated and there is plenty of water available for your dog. Avoid feeding with table scraps; it is not a good habit to teach your dog to eat leftovers.

To learn more natural balance dog food and make your dog live a longer, healthier life, so you enjoy up to 8.3 more years of happiness & companionship than is statistically predicted. Homemade Dog Treat Recipe
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Another Pet Food Recall - Wake Up Pet Parents!

How many recalls is it going to take to wake people up? You would think by now that they would be checking every label on their pets food for harmful ingredients and finding out how it is manufactured. Or at least be aware of what should and shouldn't be in pet food.

What really gets me the most is even when you tell them what is really in the food they say "my pet isn't having any problems with it he/she has been on this "brand" for years and doing real well. They just don't get it, a dog or cats outward appearance may indicate overall wellness, while in fact they may be in seriously poor condition.

I always tell people don't wait for another Pet Food Recall before they look for a safe and healthier pet food. It is not a matter of IF, it is a matter of WHEN and hopefully not like the magnitude as in 2007.

After the fact is too late to do something, you need to take action before your pets health goes downhill. Don't wait till it is too late to switch pet food. During that last pet food recall there were so many desperate people looking for a healthier food because their pet had developed kidney failure, liver problems. It was too late!

That was caused by the chemical Melamine which shouldn't have been an ingredient in pet food. It was used to boost the protein level up. I hate to think of the long-term impacts of the compromised liver and kidney function and how this will affect thousands of companion animals in America.

Here is the latest Recall September 12, 2008 Mars Petcare US Issues Voluntary Recall of Everson, PA Plant Dry Pet Food Product due to Potential Salmonella Contamination You can read more on the recall here:
August 08, 2008 Mars Petcare US Issues Voluntary Recall of Limited Bags of PEDIGREE® Complete Nutrition Small Crunchy Bites at Albertsons in Southern California and Las Vegas due to Potential Salmonella Contamination You can read more on the recall here:

Wouldn't you be worried about this company? Both of these recalls were because of Salmonella Stay tune because they make other brands as well.

Here are some of the other products they manufacture:

-Country Acres
-Doggy Bag
-Members Mark
-Natural Cat Food
-Natural Dog Food
-Ol' Roy
-Paws & Claws
-Pet Pride
-PMI Nutrition
-Red Flannel
-Special Kitty
-Wegman's Bruiser
-Wegman's Buju & Ziggie

If you are using any of the above listed products you can go and look at the code date to confirm if your product is included in the recall.

Do you know what's in your pets food? Do you know how it is manufactured?

Every year and just about every month there is some kind of pet food product being recalled and most people don't hear about them. The news media sure isn't going to make it their number one story. Unless it is too big like the one in 2007.

My point is it is another pet food recalled. Companies are using ingredients that don't belong in any pet product and how is it being manufactured also can cause problems. They should be testing the food for everything before it is ever packaged and shipped out to be sold or should I say stored somewhere for 6- 18 months before it is placed on shelves.

I encourage you take steps today to make a positive change in the life of your companion animals. Don't let your pet become the next fatality.

Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Animals can be carriers with no visible symptoms and potentially infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.

I don't know what you're feeding now, but I strongly advise that you take a look at our products and give them a try with your pet. Maybe you would like to join me on my mission to inform and educate other pet parents. I am serious about what I do and that is offer a safe and healthy pet food. Alice Gines,
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