The Feeding Of Your New Puppy - What, When and How Much

It can be somewhat overwhelming when you are getting a new puppy, and it's hard to know just where to begin. You have several things to consider; where is he going to sleep, where is he to be kept when you are away from the house, how to avoid those wet and smelly little accidents by training him to go to the toilet outside, how to teach him to come on command, how to bathe him and doesn't he need some injections? The list goes on and on. But those things aside one of the most important things to consider is what do you feed your puppy. This article will cover what food to feed your puppy and how much and how often.

Firstly we must understand that all puppies need to be with their mothers until they are at least eight weeks old. During this period they will be given everything they require from her, so there is no need to worry at this stage. But as soon as your puppy is weaned from his mother and you bring him back to his new home this is the point at which your responsibly starts and you need to be ready

It's obvious that puppy's need food; not just any old food, not even adult dog food, no it must be food suitable for puppies Check the ingredients on the food packaging carefully and ensure that the first ingredient listed is meat. Don't entertain brands that list grains or meat by-products in the first few ingredients. This is not what you want to be feeding your puppy for healthy growth and another consideration is that the grains may cause him some digestive problems

Continue feeding puppy food for at least your puppy's first year. After the first year whether or not you continue with puppy food for a little longer is dependent on the size of the dog. I would strongly suggest that you take advice from your vet to make sure when to change the food.

The stomach of a dog is usually somewhat intolerant to a change in diet and a sudden change will possibly give your dog diarrhea or it may cause it to throw up. So if your are about to change the brand or flavour of its dog food, change it slowly, bit by bit, by mixing the two types of food together and gradually increasing the proportion of the new food over a length of time, making it easier for your dogs stomach to adapt to the new food.

Whilst your puppy is very young, it may require feeding three to four times a day. As your puppy gets older you can start feeding twice a day, but remember to be consistent and feed your puppy at the same times daily. This is important for how would you like it if it was the time that you usually got fed and your parent didn't feed you until some time later.

Regarding the quantity of food to feed your dog, the dog food packaging should give the recommended amount to feed dependent on your dog's weight. Again if you are unsure, or perhaps you don't feel that it's correct, because of course you would not want to starve your puppy or over-feed him either, just contact your vet and ask for advice.

The above gives guidance on feeding your new puppy, but remember that any doubts or problems you may have, your vet is on hand to answer any of your puppy diet questions.

Feeding your new puppy the correct puppy diet is very important to ensure that your puppy [] receives the correct balance of ingredients for healthy growth in this early stage of its life. For more advice and puppy training tips Click Here [] and start to train your puppy into the dog you always wanted.

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