Flea Allergies in Cats and How to Cure This Naturally

It seems that flea allergies in cats is on the rise. Is there a natural cure for this? Before answering that question, let's go a bit deeper into it.
Often a veterinarian will tell you your cat has a flea allergy, when your cat scratches a lot and has a skin eruption of some form. However, this may not be the logical answer it appears to be.
Both allergies and a skin eruption are a sign that your cat's health is on the decline. And there is always going to be a cause for this, even though this cause may go back more than one generation.
A skin eruption is one of the safest avenues your cat has of throwing out the toxins building up in the body. Irritating and unsightly though they may be, the skin is still the safest place for the body to release this.
The best cure is to eliminate the toxins.
Toxin build up in a body can come from two main areas.
1. Diet. The chemicals used in processed cat food to address the nutritional shortfall of poor quality food, to colour, to flavour, to create an acceptable texture, to preserve, to make it palatable are all toxic to cats.
2. Health care. Vaccines and medical drugs are highly toxic. Often a skin eruption or an allergy will follow on soon after a vaccine or a new drug.
If you start by removing the daily ingestion of toxins, by changing your cat's diet to a quality, raw meat and bones diet, you may see a dramatic change in health. Just this alone (normally after a short detox period) may cure your cat's flea allergy.
If you can replace your cat's health care regime with a natural one, such as homeopathy, then this will ensure your cat becomes healthier and healthier. Each time a health issue is successfully healed with good homeopathic treatment, your cat's health improves beyond the issue. This means the tendency to get ill, falls.
Professional homeopathic treatment will be needed to unravel stubborn allergies that are not fully reversed with a good diet.
Do you want to learn more about natural good health, in particular diet and homeopathy? Download my free report 'Better Health for Cats' here.
Naturally Healthy Cats
Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath and homeopathic coach. Visit Madeleine here:

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